The calendar turned over to a new year, which means…this is the year to get your energy back! Of course everyone slows down a little bit as they get older, that’s normal. What isn’t normal is waking up with brain fog and feeling like you need to sleep...
It’s that time of year when the same story is told over and over again: how you set New Year’s resolutions with the very best of intentions, but it only lasted about a week or at best a month and then you fell off the proverbial wagon of whatever new health goal you...
I feel you…no matter what you do you feel tired every single day. Even when you get eight hours of sleep you wake up feeling like you got hit by a truck and you’re reaching for an extra-large coffee by 3 pm just to make it to a reasonable bedtime. A part...
We made it to a new year! Since the calendar just turned over a lot of people are thinking about new goals for the new year. And, I’m willing to bet that most of those people are making goals for better physical health. I recently read a Forbes...
Do I need to detox? It’s always a good and healthy urge to want to “cleanse” or “detox.” But, that doesn’t mean you need to spend a week running to the bathroom or drinking cayenne-lemon water. By definition, your body is ALWAYS detoxing through your...
Balance Your Hormones for International Women’s Day! My Story Real talk: I had no idea where my thyroid was or what its function was until I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in my 30’s. I had no idea that one tiny, butterfly...